Hello ppl!! Srry i was not blogging for SO SO SO SOOOOOOOOO long time d! :S
As u see, this post is like, to explain what i'm doin' now, and etc. So my current wanna do list:
1) See Bleach
2) See Chibi Vampire
3) See finish Air Gear
4) See K-ON
5) See Naruto
6) Go out and buy a few anime books after UPSR
7) Stress out cuz UPSR is in TWO weeks!!!! 0_0 (oh nooooo)
8) Keep my head focused
9) Blogging
10) Buy anime shows!! :)
As you all can see, i have alot of things in my mind 2 do now. And most of it's related to anime. =w= Oh yea, and i'm gonna change templateee again!! I know. But this template, i'm starting to get a little sick of it. =.=" And i'm gonna take a few for-fun photos and put on my blog. :) I'm juz sooo..... IN A MAD RUSH TO WATCH ANIME NOW!! Recently my sis keep give me anime:
Bleach and Naruto
To see and i see it EVERY SINGLE DAY. But i just started Naruto. (I know u all will like, OMG! This person now only see Naruto?!!) But hey, after UPSR i'm gonna go on an anime race. My list is full of anime now! What would i do without it? (Bet you dunno if u dun like anime, especially one person) Oh ya, and that EVIILLL Sheng go away d!! Harhar!! But when i see her i still say hi la. I'm not too evil in any ways, exept for dealing with boys. They're just so unresistable to bully and punish. (And they nid it too, of not in the future they'll go on bullying girls.) And then, when i saw that LQM on the street, i run over, give a a big BIG HARD pinch, then he'll cry on his knees. Harhar! But i wish Blogger can use MSN emoticons, thn i can put lot'z of 'em. :P
Well, these few days i'm quite annoyed la. I've gotta rush on my school magazine, i'm rushing to see all the anime in my list. Haih... And btw, Chibi Vampire/Karin (not Kamikana Karin, tht cute cute anime) And it's so damn funny!! XD But you'd be btter off seeing the comic than the show, they cut off some contents d. T_T And one chapter is 169 pages!! And Vampire Knight still makes me get anxious, so wish wish wish it come out sooner! :) Anyway, now after Yuuki and Kaname together got alot of parts where they er...Embrace each other, etc: Bite each other's necks for blood, kissy kissy. But the drawing is soo.... NICE AND ROMANTIC!! And now thinking aobut Vampire Knight makes me tingle cuz i can't wait for season 3 to come out!! :)
Ok, i've typed enough, so Byebye!! :P