Let me draw my heart in a postcard for you, dear.

Hey. :)

And don't worry, i also LOL-ed at the picture, so you can just LOL at it too. 
Really witty.
The witty Mc Quitty me! :D

Ooh, i guess i was crapping just now...
can anyone help me fix my brain back into its original shape? :D?

Came up from sitting in a oven-hot (pizza hut's special delivery! xDD jk jk.) car and my head is still swimming in a very very very very very very very very very big delusional pool. 
Yes, yes.
From the sun's heat, i've officially became RETARDED! ;)
Eugenie? Siew Hui? Hui Zuin? .


can you please break a neck or something? 
and i don't mean it literally.

okay, i don't really know what kinda things i am typing now,
but forcing my conscience to go on,
i've become normal for a little while.

my head is still spinning or you could say swimming from the heat in the car.
can't someone buy a new car for my mum or something?

it's darn hot and even the air outside the car is cooler than the inside.
even with the air conditioning going strong. =.=

maybe it was the air conditioning's problem?

well, someone had better fix it!
before i seriously faint...


XX hours later...

*dreaming of Ashton Kutcher and Noctis Lucis Caelum*


'Anything you want, darlin'?' 

'Mmm.... I just want you to keep scrolling down this post to see what's in the P.S. there, darlin'.'

'Got it, darlin'.'

'Thank you for keeping on reading this post.'

P.S. Tomorrow there's a stinking SEGAK test! AGGGGHHHHH! :O

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